Wednesday, September 14, 2011

CAREER EDUCATION. Best places to work

According to recent studies, US companies and firms will employ more graduates with a degree in business, biological and physical sciences.
Even those with construction management, engineering degrees, health care and accounting will experience an increase in hiring. Other fields will have a slight decline.
On average, companies are hiring three forty percent of its full-time interns and regular status. The expected increase in the hiring of graduates coincides with a forecast of expected growth of the economy next year, according to a recent survey conducted by the Federal Reserve Bank.
Many companies are coming out of a slump and are now hiring their interns and looking for more. Many companies are posting jobs and enter different campus.
Most experts recommend that during the holidays, if you're looking for permanent employment or internship, it's time to step up the search.
Take advantage of holiday events that you want, discuss what you're looking for and your goals. Companies do not want to be inundated with calls and faxes from HP. Probably will count on Word to get a handful of candidates that the holidays are a perfect time for the network.
What to expect:
Companies will hire more students earn a degree in economics and management, physical and biological sciences. Engineering, health care and accounting degrees also experience d an increase. Other degrees will experience a decrease in hiring
The companies expect to spend approximately the same volume of MBAs this year as last year. Companies have found employees with Bachelor's degrees can do some work done by MBAs.
It will be harder for graduates with degrees in computer science to find work.
Companies are more likely to employ students who have undergone the stage. Work experience, they say, makes a big difference. Federal agencies will employ more graduates but not nearly enough to compensate for the decrease in rental agencies of State Government and local levels.
The average starting salaries will increase by 1 to 2 percent.


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