I want you to read this article 150 times! I say seriously. You want to do this because I want you to experience what an employer passes when reading applications for any vacancies.
Now, you may think to yourself that you're not going to read something 150 times, because you may be able to read the same thing over and over again! And this is exactly my point. More or less 10%, most applications for a job are identical. Only the names and dates are a bit different.
Essentially they all say the same things: "I am good with people", "I am committed to my" maximum capacity "Constantly I strain for the highest". In addition, most applicants will have roughly the same skills because most people apply only for jobs that they have the ability to do.
How can I say this? At our office in Australia, we see hundreds of applications each week, and unfortunately, they all look the same-except for some. And it is these few who call in an interview.
Think about that. If you were an employer wants an employee who is simply one of the crowd or you want someone who stands out from the crowd?
I could tell you now how your cover letter probably begins (if you use one):
I'm writing an application for the position advertised.
Or maybe you're more creative ...
Your ad on Monster.com really interested me.
As we said in the previous newsletter, the reason why the application probably looks like any other application has learned how to write applications at school or University, together with all other students. Now is the time to consider a different approach-the following are examples of successful application which resulted in interviews.
"5 key areas where I can help you increase your sales" (sales agent for the music store)
"I want you to imagine your customers load their cars with plants from bootfull ... and they vow to come back for more." (Assistant at a nursery)
"Genius for hire". (position of programmer in the short term)
"X years of human resources management and employment legal sleeves-rolled-up experience under my belt, I have a wealth of experience to help you get the results you're looking for from your people ..." (HR/Management)
And here is one that has landed its author an interview here:
With 7 years of managerial experience and IT I have a mixture of skills and talents that you're trying to make your networks, hardware and software to run more efficiently with a minimum of downtime.
Plus, I have a business mindset that identifies areas to reduce costs, improve performance and deliver better solutions customers resulting in better business. Here are some key areas where I can help you get the results you're looking for:
The point here is that you want to start your letters with a powerful opening that makes the employer, sit and take notice. Remember that an employer is only interested in what you can do for them.
Could be excused for thinking that these openings are over the top, but I can assure you that if you start to use the language of your employer, your application will immediately become 150 times more exciting for an employer.
Author Credits :: © Copyright 2005, http://www.Job-secrets Revealed.com-some rights reserved for the last 10 years we have worked with job candidates from the Executive level for long-term unemployed and have developed strategies and innovative technology that improves the image of each candidate.
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