Monday, September 12, 2011

CAREER EDUCATION. The trick to read situations vacant ads

There is a trick to read ads ' situations vacant ' that make it much easier to write applications that you can get an interview and the work, and it is an important thing to understand: it is necessary to protect the interview before you can secure the job. Consider that the number 1.
Ok. Now we have established the most important rule, let's talk about how to proceed after it. When you see a vacancy announcement of situations, whether it be online or in a window, can list things like:
Proven experience in XYZ
5 years experience with XYZ
Must have Bachelor's degree
Excellent telephone manner
This tells you the skills that a company or the company wants to, but not necessarily tell you what he wants for those skills. And that is the key.
Always look at the skills listed in an announcement and ask yourself?
What would want those skills?
Then Watch your skills and experiences and address in the application as each can help the employer.
For example, take "must have 5 years of experience."
What would want that experience to?
Perhaps the employer feels that it is necessary that the length of time to properly operate the machinery, equipment, computers, software or whatever?
So logically you're reasoning that ask someone with 5 years of experience means that will be applied only to qualified operators.
Looking at in this way, you will find that the question is able to use the equipment properly and not 5 years of experience. This is the key to understanding the position vacant. With this in mind, the application would simply illustrate your expertise on the relevant equipment or system. If you do this effectively enough, although it can only have two years of experience, but you still might get the job.
Another example? What about "must have".
The solution is simple. Ask yourself?
Why is there so much emphasis on itself?
Because you want to rank?
In particular, that will take him to their company?
How it would benefit them?
The answer to these questions will give you the right approach to take for your application and can be used to overcome a lack of problem they face.
The bottom line is that it is not the degree they want? is the benefits and results that promises the degree. Work out what they are, planting the application there will be the approach that you must evade the degree and still make a strong case for yourself.
I have used over and over these strategies to help people get jobs, even if they do not fulfil all the criteria in the ad. You can use too much until you keep asking "why?"


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