Saturday, September 24, 2011

Obama to Lay Out Jobs Agenda

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President Barack Obama will use his speech Thursday night before a joint session of Congress to marshal a sense of urgency behind his jobs agenda and to try to open a new phase in the fight over proposals to fix the economy.

President Obama lays out proposals on job-creation and economic growth before a joint session of Congress this evening. Aaron Zitner has a preview of the speech on The News Hub. (Photo: AP.)

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The White House doesn't expect Congress to adopt every stimulus proposal he will put forward, a list likely to include new spending on transportation and infrastructure, the extension of a payroll tax cut for workers and a new payroll tax reduction for employers. But administration aides hope they can broaden the fiscal debate beyond the focus on deficit reduction that has consumed Washington in recent months, Democratic officials familiar with the president's plans said.

Mr. Obama speaks at 7 p.m. ET.

The president will say the economy clearly needs fresh assistance and is in such bad shape that it would be damaging to take no action, officials said. In the coming weeks, he will argue that if lawmakers don't act, they must think the economy is OK the way it is, they said.

The White House thinks Republicans are feeling political pressure to come away from this legislative session having agreed to some of the president's proposals. Officials said the White House found the tone of a recent letter from House Speaker John Boehner (R., Ohio) and Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R., Va.) encouraging.

President Obama will use his speech Thursday night to marshal a sense of urgency behind his jobs agenda and to try to open a new phase in the fight to fix the economy. WSJ Global Economics Editor David Wessel joins the News Hub to discuss.

Republicans have labeled Mr. Obama's 2009 stimulus package a failure. But GOP leaders, returning from a month-long congressional recess, have also talked in recent days of the need for the parties to work together. Messrs. Boehner and Cantor, in their letter to the president, outlined areas of possible cooperation. Those included attempts to speed up permitting for construction projects and to build on a state program that allows employers to try out workers who are still getting unemployment payments.

Mr. Obama likely will say he is committed to long-term deficit reduction, even while calling for new spending and tax cuts to create jobs and to boost education.

He is expected to lay out ways to pay for his stimulus proposals. His speech will be accompanied by a plan detailed enough to be scored by the Congressional Budget Office for its impact on the federal budget, officials said.

The president will also urge the new congressional supercommittee tasked with crafting a deficit-reduction plan to go beyond its mandate of $1.2 trillion in savings over a decade. But he won't call for significant discretionary spending cuts, officials said.

Mr. Obama will also walk through his views of how the economy reached this point. Officials said the White House believes that while the economy is in trouble, it is not heading toward a double-dip recession.

View the original article here

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