Tuesday, September 13, 2011

CAREER EDUCATION. A hidden goldmine of jobs

Employers have basically three ways seeking staff. Can execute situations vacant ads, employ a staff Agency or pass through their files of previous applicants. Each of these ways has its problems. Are expensive, or time-consuming.
For an employer, time is money ... and the money is money. Everything that will save money an employer has got to be good for the employer.
If you can save the employer has to be good for the employer and you. Answering an ad in the newspaper you become part of the problem is not the solution. You are just one of hundreds of people that an employer has to do with. You need to become part of the solution to the problem of an employer.
To be part of the solution, you need to find companies who need staff. Let me say it once again. You need to find companies who need staff. Companies that need more personnel are fast growing. companies large and small.
Bigger is not better ...
Many people Send unsolicited curriculum for high profile companies, thinking that a large company will have a job for them ... Sadly this graduates and fail to see why it doesn't work.
Coca-Cola in my region only receives about 40 unsolicited resumes per day and about the same number of calls from people looking for work. That is about a year, more than 10,000 applications that receive when a situation becomes vacant and is publicized. Obviously people see Coca-Cola as a desirable companies to work for, what you see is the amount of other people, the application. The application would be powerful to stand out from the crowd in this case.
Some of our largest corporations have reduced thousands of personnel and offered voluntary redundancies in recent years and still have yet to get inundated with resumes. The fact is that large companies are not the work that many people think that being.
Imagine you are an employer and you resized 500 staff or maybe they were resized. Receive applications from people seeking work. What are their chances of being offered a job? What does say about applicants?
Obviously they have no understanding of your business. If they had taken the time to do some research would know that they were not able to take. Because of this, we can assume that these people don't necessarily want to work for you. Just want to work and no matter where they get.
When you are green to grow
Many small businesses are growing faster than our society's most famous. You'd be surprised just how many large corporations grew out of a garage. Company Apple computer was one.
If a large company of high-profile laid off 1000 workers, do you think are likely to hire someone soon? If a small business is growing at a rate of 50% per year. I would be looking for staff?
I bet that in the early days of Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak, the founders of Apple, heard from computer enthusiasts dedicated to a few and gave most of their jobs (not to mention that some of them made millionaires share options).
It is easier to join a company uphill from the top ... or worse ... vertically. So your job is easy, you just need to find a fast growth ... companies large and small. To do this you are going to need to do some research and do not be afraid to ask for help.


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